Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Not even sure where to start....

I really think I should type these at night, or at least when the ideas pop into my head...not wait until it's utter chaos in my house when all I hear is cartoons, or the washing machine...oh well.  I decided that I would come up with the the Top 10 Things about December and then go from there.  In no particular order of course, because I really can't put a numeral value on any of these things.  Drum roll please.....

TOP 10 THINGS of DECEMBER 2010 (as according to Amanda)

1. Celebrating 7 years of marriage with my sweet husband Alex on the 20th.  Some days it seems as we have been married longer, and others, I find myself thinking we just met.  We didn't date a super long time, so there are still things I learn about him, or he tells a new story.  I have been super blessed with this man.  He is an excellent husband, father and my best friend.  The Lord knew what he was doing when HE sent me back home in  2002...it was so I could meet Alex.  Thanks again Lord.

on our wedding day, Dec. 20, 2003

2. Getting carded at The Grapevine, in Gruene.  I know this may not sound like much to some of you out there, but for myself...who is about to turn 35, it felt AMAZING!  She didn't card my friend, but me...don't know if it was because I was wearing a hat (covering up the grays), or because I still look so fabulous for my age...lol!  To say the least, Leslie and I got a big kick out of it.  I was glad to show her my license and hoping she wouldn't come back with a "damn, you're old!"  The whole weekend with Leslie and Melinda was awesome. Getting to spend time with my cousin Tabitha was an added treat.  Thanks ladies. Can't wait to do it again next year! (sad to say I took no pics)

3. Having some great family pictures finally made.  We have not had any made since we were married...some of the kids yes, but none of us as a group.  I would like to have been 20 pounds lighter in them, but what the heck...I thought they turned out great.  Especially when Garrison was making silly faces in most of them.  Not sure where he got his comedic ways (his momma?!)

my cute kiddos

the whole gang

Zadie, age 4

Garrison, age 2

4. Being able to be off for 2 weeks at Christmas.  I know I make crap for being a school teacher, and although there are days when I wish I made a lot more money, I am so grateful to have time off during the holidays.  Nothing sucks more than to have to go back to work on Monday after Christmas.  I love teaching, and still can't believe it's almost January.  I feel like I haven't even really gotten to know some of my babies this year.  Nonetheless, I am glad to have time off with my babies at home!

5. Christmas time.  I hate to say it, but I didn't get many pics of Christmas morning.  I think I was as excited as the kids about Santa as they were, and managed to get a few not so great shots.  I did get a few of all the Christmas's we attended.  So, do enjoy...
kids at Papa's

G Man in his car from Nana and Hershel

My mom found my old jewelry box and gave it to Zadie. She loved it!!

6. I had the pleasure of getting together with my D'field friends, as I have called them in the last few years, at the winery, in Pittsburg.  We had the best time.  I met Miachel at the college (who is from Winnsboro, not Daingerfield).  I became friends with Kelly, who introduced me to her little pack...Marnie, Courtney and Candace.  We went on to be in each others weddings, bachelorette parties, baby showers, and even funerals.  We don't get together near enough, but this year was a special treat, and we have decided to try and make it an annual event.  That was my first trip to the winery, but definitely not the last!  We had a great time catching up on each others lives and laughing at old times.
Candace, Courtney, Kelly, Miachel, myself and Marnie
7. Getting to spend time with my friend Melinda.  We hung out in Austin, well, she shopped and Leslie and I followed her around... she came by my mom's house yesterday to visit for a little while and let my kids see hers.  My 2 adored Sofia when they lived here, and Zadie was as equally excited about seeing baby Clara for the first time.  Melinda and I have been friends since kinder and she's been such a blessing to me.  I would be lost without her friendship.
Sofia, Clara and my 2...

8.  Getting to go away shopping with Alex for the weekend.  Glamorous I know.  Since our anniversary is so close to Christmas, we usually end up shopping for our get-a-way, which is fine. It is so nice to be able to get away, if just for one night with just you and your spouse.  We had a great time shopping, eating and sleeping in a big king size bed without 2 little munchkins waking us too early.  Thanks mom for watching the kids.

10. Eating.  December seems to be a time when I consume way too much food as I can totally tell from my scales, and my clothes.  Good thing I have Jan. 2011 to look forward to...to motivate me and to get my butt back in shape.

I hope you and yours had a wonderful Christmas and bless you as we roll into the new year.  I always look forward to what good things may await for me in a new year.  I still wouldn't mind telling the blogging world I was going to be a momma again.  So, I will continue to pray that if God wants us to be family of 5, it will eventually happen. 

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

girls weekend...

This weekend I am headed to Austin/San Marcos/New Braunfels for my annual girls shopping weekend.  However, it will more likely be a non-stop gab fest/wine fest/eating all kinds of great food fest.  This will be the 4th year we have done this, and I am so excited.  It's such a great time for me to get away and relax and enjoy my friends, sans children.  I love my babies with all my heart, but momma needs some time too!  I can't wait to see my girlfriends and sit and laugh and hopefully get some shopping done as well.

Thanksgiving was great and pretty relaxing.  No black Friday shopping for me.  Mom and I say we'll do it next year, but we haven't yet....

We took family pics today...the first time ever...yeah, terrible seeing as Zadie will be 5 in March!  I hope they turned out good...Garrison wasn't as cooperative as I would have liked him to have been.  But, he had fun being a goof ball.  Zadie was a natural poser...too funny that girl.

The holidays seem so hectic and everyone seems to be planning a million things.  I too look forward to seeing old friends and visiting with family, as well as having time off.  I have been reading The Best Christmas Pageant Ever to my classes this week.  And although I have read it a dozen times at least, it's so true the message it conveys about Jesus and Mary and Joseph...they weren't anyone anybody really cared about, yet they were destined to be such important people in our lives.  So, during this hectic, holiday season, stop, relax for a moment and take in what is important to you and why we are celebrating Christmas.  I know I will have to remind myself as well.  And, if you haven't ever read the book...pick it up today.  You will laugh, and maybe even cry a little thinking about how simple the story really is.  Sometimes simple sounds perfect.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Halloween ( a little late), deer season, and my decision....

The kids and my mom.

Garrison the lion. He loved "roaring" to everyone.

Alex and G...he was tired of walking.

Zadie the "cheetah" cat.

Me and the kids.  We have a picture like this from the last 3 years. Don't know what's going to happen when they start getting bigger, or we add another one to the mix.

Halloween was great! Mom's neighborhood, which I would really like to move to sometimes, has a great thing going. The ones who want to participate come to one location and we eat hot dogs and other goodies...the others go back to their houses and wait for us (the kids) to arrive via a hayride...which my 2 absolutely loved this year. It's always great fun, and Zadie usually attaches herself to about a 10-12 year old girl who she thinks wants to be her friend! Guess she likes the attention....

 Now, I am not a hunter, I don't claim to be a hunter, nor do I ever want to shoot anything.  However, growing up, my step-dad, brother and mom shot deer or other animals.  What kind of wife would I be if I didn't post a picture of the biggest deer hubby has ever shot?!  He was so proud, and why not...it's a pretty big one.  Of course it's getting mounted and we haven't agreed on just exactly where it will go in our house...
Alex and his "big" deer

My doctor's appointment didn't go exactly as I had planned.  The sac was still there and I had a complete meltdown.  I really thought I had passed it at some time on my own.  Of course, it was a Monday and her office was super busy, and there were pregnant women everywhere...which didn't help my emotions at all.  She had to leave real quick to go deliver a baby, and then we would talk about what next...in the mean time, I sat there in that little room and cried.  I called my mom and she even volunteered to come up there..which was very sweet, but I didn't know what I wanted.  It was weird I was even feeling this way.  It wasn't like I was just finding out there wasn't a baby...I don't know.  My hormones I know are to blame for all of this...but, that being said, didn't help me stop crying.  When she came back (it was quick), we started talking about the d&c...my fear wasn't it, as much as being put to sleep...but I knew what had to be done, so we scheduled it for Friday.  To say the least, I am glad it's over, and the process itself was nothing...the freaking IV hurt worse than anything.  It still doesn't feel complete...I still cry and still think about another one and if I should even think about it or try.  There is no just waiting and seeing for me...I have to have help getting pregnant.  I just think about how much easier it would be if I could just be normal and let things happen "naturally"...ugh, it really sucks and it tends to get me down at times.  But I am going to be fine.  I have two beautiful kids to be thankful for, and they are so perfect and wonderfully made and play so well together...but my heart still desires another baby.  I see people all the time on facebook announcing pregnancies, showing off their precious newborns in the hospital...and I am super happy for them, just sad on the inside.

Speaking of being thankful, this next weekend is Thanksgiving and I have so many things to be grateful for.  I have been trying to post it as my facebook status everyday at what I am thankful for, and some are silly, but still thankful for them all the same.

I hope you all have a glorious Thanksgiving holiday with your families.  I know I will enjoy being with my sweet little family.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

doctor's appointement's and decisions

>Tomorrow I go back to the doctor to see if I have passed the sac on my own...I know, it's a little much to read about, but I am going to write it anyway. I really think I have, judging on how things have been going. She will do a sonogram and tell me. I am still on the fence about things if it is still there. I have talked to different people about having a D&C done, and opting not to...two very different situations and healing factors are involve.

If there is still something there, a part of me really wants to get it out and be over the whole process of having something in me. I haven't cried in a while, but one night last week I got upset thinking about how I would've been 12 weeks, and I would be out of the scary part...yeah, well I already faced the scary part of there being no baby. It just sucks. Not to mention, everywhere I go there are pregnant people...and the school where I work, 4 of them!!! It just makes my heart hurt a little and makes me jealous, and that's such a terrible thing to be. I am happier for them, than I am jealous, but it still makes me yearn for a baby terribly.

She has reassured me that I could have a healthy baby and pregnancy after 35 (which I will be in December). And I know plenty of people who do, just not around here...and most people don't think I am that old anyway,(because I don't act like it.) Anyway, she said we needed to wait 2 months to start trying again. Well, that means a lot to me, because I am not a regular kind of gal. I probably will have to have help having a period, because I don't have them on my own usually (something that has been happening since I started having periods.) Then I will have to have help ovulating...*cue the Clomid to the stage. It's a process, and it's not a hard one, I have gotten pregnant the first round I have taken it, but I have to plan it around trips and tests given at school and things that happen in a daily life. It's like planning a family reunion...and I know I shouldn't complain, there are plenty of people who have to do far more than that to get pregnant. I was blessed with getting pregnant on my own with Garrison. I mean, I didn't even know I was pregnant with that child until I was 10 weeks...

So, that is where I am in my life personally. I just strongly believe we are supposed to have a family of 5, not 4. However, if it doesn't happen, I know God has his plans and his reasons...and that's okay too.

I have been so fortunate to have such great friends, family, and co-workers. The day I came back to school they had cooked an enchilada lunch for me, including sopapilla cheesecake. I have gotten cards, e-mails, phone calls and texts...it's been great to talk to so many different people who have experienced something like this, or just to let me know they have been thinking of me. It's a great feeling to know you have so many people on your side. It's something I will be forever grateful for.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

picture and information overload....BEWARE! : )

Well, while the kids are occupied (food for Garrison, Scooby Doo for Zadie), I am finally going to attempt to get something written. The fact I am awake is also a good thing, because I am usually the most lethargic person when I get home lately. Oh wait, that is everyday....hee hee.

I am so far behind at posting pics and things about life. I am going all the way back to the fair. We always go on Wednesday night because it's the best night and mom still gives away a scholarship in my step dad's name. So, it means a lot for us to be there for that. Robert loved the fair and all the people. And honestly, some of the best people I came into contact, were those people at the fair, specifically, those who dealt with livestock.

Zadie had a blast and wanted to ride all the rides, the big, scary ones included....she did ride the ferris wheel with her daddy, not me this time!!! Garrison just hung out in the stroller...he wasn't too amused with anything, but the animals in the petting zoo. We also ran into Zadie's friend Leah, they were so excited to get to ride a ride together!! Hopefully, next year brother will want to join in on the fun!!

Zadie and her friend Leah

Soccer is in full swing, after our first game got rained out. When Alex asked Zadie if she was sad they weren't playing, she said, "No, because I really didn't want to sweat." She is totally my child...I hate the heat, and I hate to sweat. The first game came and although she would do great in practice, she stood in one place for the 2 whole periods....yeah, so , she's not going to win MVP...but the last 2 games, she has down great. That being said, most of them just run after the person with the ball and then aren't sure what to do with it when it is kicked right in front of them. She likes the social aspect of it, I know...2 of the boys on her team, also go to school with her, so they are all buddies. A good friend described watching this age group play soccer, as "herding cats." And yes, those are cows in the picture of her playing...it's outside of town, and they are pretty much an old cow pasture to begin with. Go Wildcats!

My cousin on my dad's side got married on 10/10/10 in Keller, so the kids and I headed up to spend some time with my aunt and other cousin and her little boy. Gavin and Garrison are three months apart, and I still can't believe I didn't get any pictures of them playing together...they loved entertaining one another, that's for sure. It was great to hang out with my aunt and uncle and spend time with my cousin. She and I used to hang out when we were younger and had some great times! I am posting some pics of the kids at the wedding. It was at a beautiful country club. On my dad's side there are 8 little cousins...so, if my grandparents were still alive, they would have 8 great-grandchildren. It's been a while since we have had them all together for a picture, so the photographer's pics were hopefully better, but the few I got are okay. They range in age from 2nd grade to 2. Since it was so pretty there, I also tried to get some pics of them together...ha, wrangling kids for a picture is a joke. No wonder a photographer that works with kids charges so much!!
Out of about 5 takes, this one is the best....and they both have goofy faces!!!
Two pretty girls here. Her daddy and I are 1st cousins and our children look just like us!

My handsome, sweet boy...

The whole gang, Kacie, Ryleigh, Braden, Bryson, Gavin, Garrison, Zadie and Caleb...
Not sure what had Garrison so tickled here...silly boy!

I was super excited about having a new post because I thought I was going to announce baby Harper number 3. You can imagine my heartbreak and disbelief when I went to the doctor 2 weeks ago to find out that wasn't actually the case. I had indeed gotten pregnant, so was going for my first check-up. We were talking about everything under the sun, and she started to do my sono to check size and exact due date...she got awful quiet, and my heart immediately sank. I knew one of two things...there wasn't a heartbeat, or there wasn't a baby at all...it was the latter. There was a beautiful sac, but it was empty...no baby at all. I felt tears welling up and was trying so hard to be strong, but for who...I was by myself...the doctor, like she was going to care if I cried or not. She was so helpful and answered the questions I could think, when I wasn't fighting back tears. This was the perfect timing for me...baby was going to be due in May, so I wasn't going to miss much school...the kids were going to be 5 and 3 in March, so perfect timing. God had other plans, and I am dealing with this one day at a time. I have to say it's easier to deal with knowing there wasn't a "baby", just a sac...but still, I cried a lot those first 2 days. My doctor said, "Amanda, there is no perfect timing for a baby." And those words have stuck with me. Just because I feel it's time, doesn't mean it's HIS time for me. I have had so many e-mails, cards, and friends there to give me hug, let me know they have been praying for me, etc. I truly believe that has also helped me get through this. As hard as this has been, I truly believe we are supposed to have a third child. After talking to someone, she said after debating about another one, she said they came to the conclusion that they would NEVER regret having a 3rd, but they might regret NOT. Thanks to all of you that have thought about me, prayed for me, or just been wondering. I really appreciate it.

This weekend is Halloween and the kids are super excited. Here are some snapshots at mom's. She goes all out on decorating because her neighborhood has a trick-or-treat event...we will be attending, and it's always lots of fun...with lots of candy too! Happy Halloween everyone. Have a safe one. I can't believe Christmas is just around the corner!

Well, the pics will have to wait...blogger keeps telling me there is an error, and it's bath time around here! Guess I will save them for next time!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Stay tuned

Okay, my goal is to have an actual post with pics this week. This weekend was a little wild...we have been in the hallway 3 times this weekend due to tornado sirens going off. To say the least, I will be glad to have storms gone for a while. I am not a fan, and I really think I am going to have to get some type of medicine for Zadie. She tends to get herself in quite the tizzy...poor thing. I used to be the same way. I am still pretty amazed I stayed as calm as I did. I was actually standing outside watching for the storms....something I would have never done 10 years ago.

Stay tuned for pics of my cute kids and random thoughts and rambling words from myself. I know, some of you can't wait! Have a great week.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

It's about time....(a little long)

Okay, so free time is such a term that is loosely used in the summer time, because I seemed to have had a lot of it. Well, now that school has started for all, meetings, soccer practice and running around like a crazy lady has left me with hardly any at all. So, while I am at home this morning, (instead of church like I should be), and the kids are watching t.v. or playing with barbies or asking me for something to drink every 5 minutes.....ahhhh, the life of being a mom never stops. I am not complaining, I love my kiddos, but the essence of quiet time is long out the window. So, I apologize now if my wording doesn't make since or I type something that sounds good to me, but reads terribly.

School is underway and I have 19 kiddos in my homeroom. I also switch with 2 other teachers, who are a great team by the way. I love 4th grade and love everyone that teaches 4th grade. I have very smart kiddos this year, which is great, but they are some talkers, which is fine, because I am too. There are some stinkers in some of my classes as well, but teaching wouldn't be the same without an adventure or challenge on a daily basis. I am so fortunate to be able to teach these kiddos. I feel like I get to share some of my favorite memories, stories, and books with these babies. I love being a teacher.

Zadie has started a a news school on Mondays and Wednesdays here in MV, and it sure does make our lives a little easier. She really needs to be in school in at least 4 days since she will be in kinder next year (which I still can't believe!) She and Garrison still go to KidFirst in MP on Tuesdays and Thursdays, which I love...they have been going since they were about 18 months old. They have such a wonderful curriculum and go on field trips and have great teachers as well. Zadie loves going to Mrs. Debbie's on the other days. It's a smaller group of kids and they have an outside playground and a science center which she loves. She told Alex and I the other day she was going to be a scientist instead of an animal doctor. It was too funny. She's at the age where she is learning so much, and asking all kinds of questions, some which I am not ready for her to ask, but try to answer them as truthfully as I can. Garrison is going to our babysitter on M/F that we have had for a long time as well. They are wonderful and he is the only one there and he loves the attention. And of course on Wednesdays, my mom still keeps them. I think she may actually have withdrawals next year when Zadie starts Kinder. I have one picture of them on the 1st day of school, a loser, I know...mom had to come take them because I have to be at school early and they couldn't be dropped off until a certain time. So, please excuse the quality because my mom is not the best photographer. (Notice both of my children have a small obsession with a "blankie".)

Zadie will be playing soccer this year and I am sure there will be lots of laughs when they play their first game, which is Saturday. Anyway, Alex thought she needed to practice for try-outs, so I have a few pictures from that day. Of course, we went to the park and she wanted to swing, I mean, who wouldn't!? So, brother got to play and swing while she practiced. Not being a biased parent, but of course, we think she is going to be a very talented soccer player!!

I am also just posting some pics of the kids from mom's house. We spend a lot of time over there since they go to school 2 days a week over there. I don't mind it because I work out over there 2 night as week, so it works out for all, except for poor hubby who gets to spend 2 nights by himself. On occasion he will come too, but it's a rare one.

I know the first day of fall is this coming week, but temperatures are not reflecting it at all. I am so ready for about 65 degrees as the high with a nice wind. I am also ready for chili and campfires. I am so glad that college football has started, but am looking forward to wearing sweatshirts to watch them (while sitting on my couch.) I hate the heat and hate sweating unless I am working out...so, bring on fall and bring on cooler weather. And of course, Halloween candy, especially candy corn!

Thursday, September 9, 2010


So, I knew when school started and the thought of free time was long gone, I would be terrible at blogging. My goal this weekend, besides all the other things I need to do, like clean (yuck), is to update this thing and post pics of my cute kids of course, which I have been bad about taking as well. Let's just say I won't be winning any awards for catching my kids important moments in life....I suck at it...only got one pic of first day of school, and that was taken by my mom and only of Zadie because it was for her school she goes to on Mon and Fridays, not the one they both go to on Tues and Thurs...my poor kids are all over the place all the time!!

Anyway, stay tuned to an update and all that jazz....not that anyone other than my friend Kele ever reads this anyway...oh and my cousin Tabitha, she said she reads it on occasion...I know my following is a little on the low side. I guess I won't becoming a novelist anytime soon.

Update coming soon!!!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

A memory

I posted this on facebook this morning about my step dad. On August 21, 2001, he was killed in an accident at work. It FOREVER changed my life. I used to always tell people I was so lucky to have had 2 dads in my life. My real dad, who is always the clown and fun one, and then Robert, the serious one, my caretaker, and cheerleader in life. I knew when I got married I would have them both walk me down the aisle. Well, that didn't happen. I got married a little too late for that happen. But it was all God's will...anyway, it's been 9 years today. Until you have lost someone in an instance, especially someone that close to you, you really can't explain the pain it is. I truly believe I will be able to relive that day over and over in my head as long as I live...that's why when someones life is taken so quickly that it really gets to me. I know that phone call, that pain you feel. It is as if the breath has been sucked out of your lungs and your life is ending as well.

I loved that man with all my might. He did so much for my brother and I, and we weren't even his...by blood anyway, but he always claimed us, even though there are times when he probably didn't want to. He was so kind and caring and giving. He loved my mom and showed us what a normal relationship was supposed to be about.

I was thinking today how our first Christmas he bought me Giorgio perfume. I thought I had died and gone to heaven. It was popular when I was that age and I couldn't get over how awesome he was. He taught me so much about life and values and how others perceived you because of your actions. He was a simple man and sometimes didn't have to say anything at all.

There are certain songs that come on the radio that remind me of him. I usually end up crying. George Strait has one, and for some reason I can't think of the name of it right now, but it talks about the love he saw growing up and how he hopes to have that same kind of love when he gets married. Brad Paisley's, "He Didn't Have to Be", about a step dad...yep, you got it, it chokes me up every time. And more recent is Miranda Lambert's, which probably touches a lot of people about the house. I cry every stinking time I hear it!!!

It sucked terribly losing such a great man. I went through a lot that year and the following. It wasn't easy and there were times I wasn't sure I would want to get out of bed the next day. I never wanted to end my life, but there were times when I just wanted to stay in bed and shut the world out for a few days. I was grateful to have friends and family to get through it all. And God's plan guided me back home to live with my mom...shortly there after, I met Alex. Well, and as they say, the rest is history...and Alex is so much like Robert sometimes about things...it's funny. Even mom talks about it.

I have lots more to talk about, and post pics about 1st days of school and all that jazz, but today, is just for Robert. He was a precious man who I miss dearly. He would have been crazy about my kids and they sure would have been crazy about him.

Monday, August 2, 2010


I know it's summer and it's supposed to be hot, but on my way home this afternoon around 5-ish...my car thermometer said 107. Last time I checked, this is Texas, not the Sahara Desert. If it is this hot when school starts back, I might have to fake an illness. Just kidding. Those poor kids will die at recess...let's hope this is a heat wave and will happily be out of here before school starts in 3 weeks.

I took my kids with me to my classroom to work. I would like to apologize to any other teachers who were trying to do any work whatsoever...my 2 crashed their rooms like they were their own and proceeded to touch everything, or ask to touch everything in their classroom. Good thing I have good hearted peeps to work with. I mean, we should all like children, since we teach...but there are times when we want and need peace and quiet to get something done before school starts. My mom met us there which helped a little bit. I love my mother to death, but sometimes we can really grate on one another's nerves, and today was one of those days. I was tired, she didn't feel all that great...but in the end, as we always do, we work it out. She always helps me get my room ready. I cherish it and her advice. After all, the woman did teach school for 35 years!!!

I went shopping with Katie and Terraysa yesterday to Frisco...hadn't been there since the mall first opened about 10 years ago. The last time I was there, it had just opened and a lot of the stores weren't even ready. My friend Amy lived close by, so we went to check it out (in college...and she's a whole different story). My cousin Kayla met us there and we at The Cheesecake Factory, which I have to say was excellent...how I have ever stayed away from that place is beyond me. We had the red velvet cheesecake...oh my word...it was like little bites of heaven in my mouth, seriously!! We had a great time and got some great deals! My best deal was a very cute denim jacket at target for $6.74!!! Not sure why it was marked down, but I sure didn't question it. Even the checker commented on how great a deal it was!!! I was super tired when I got home, but it was lots of fun. Not sure I can shop like I used to anyway!

My friend Amy was one of those friends I had in college, and we hit it off immediately. After she got married, it was as if we (all of her SWT friends) disappeared from her life forever. The strange thing is, we all get this Christmas letter/pictures every year from her, but it isn't from her. Maybe she addresses the envelopes or something, but her husband is the one who writes them. I tried my hardest to keep in touch with her via phone, email, letters...you name it. We were all dumbfounded that she didn't want to have friends outside her marriage or work. Grant it, we all live in different cities, but man...guess we weren't that good of friends. I could go on this topic forever. I feel like I am the one friend who tries to keep in touch more often than others, and to be honest, it's a bit tiring at times...oh well.

I am reading The Help and love it...I have to make myself put it down at night because that seems to be my only time to read here lately. I have laughed out loud a few times and Zadie asked me what was funny...there was no way to explain it, so I decided to read it out loud to her. I even made myself sound differently, like I think it would if it were a movie, which every book I read lately I see as a movie. It is good and I can't wait to finish it and read another book.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Galveston, oh, Galveston...

A pic from the front of the hotel.

So one of my dear teaching friends, was asked to attend a conference in Galveston for an ESL class for adults that she teaches...everything was being paid for(um, reimbursed to her)....however, she thought it would be a nice get away for myself and another teacher friend. I say teacher friends because if I didn't teach with them, I am not sure we would have ever met any other way. We are all very different, well, I would say that I am very different. They both are very quiet and passive and don't tend to draw a lot of attention to themselves....yeah, well we all know that is not me. They are wonderful examples of Christians and I am so thankful for that. I truly learned more about the bible this past week. I always joke to them that the only thing I bring to our friendship is laughter and cussing, two of my favorite things. And I am pretty sure cussing isn't going to get me a ticket on the first row of heaven. Ha ha! I love these two girls a lot and so thankful we got to spend a couple of days together learning about our lives, love and the Lord, and of course poor Terraysa had to sit in on workshops while Katie and I relaxed by the pool and burned to a crisp!!

Katie and I before we started sweating and before the red appeared. This pool was amazing, and I guess since most people were there for the beach, it wasn't crowded at all.

I have only been to Galveston one other time, which just happened to be last summer as well. I went as a kid, but honestly don't think trips that happened before you were 10 really count because all I remember about that trip was I was in a wedding, and I am pretty sure I remember that mostly from pictures. I digress...we stayed at the fabulous Tremont House Hotel downtown Galveston, close to the strand, one street over to be exact. It was very swanky and I used that adjective the entire time I was there. I am going to admit right now that when I go out of town, swanky is not the word I use to describe the Best Western or Holiday Inn Express I usually stay in...I am there for a shower and somewhere to rest. I will say that I would recommend this hotel to anybody who plans on going there anytime soon. Valet? What's that....ha! Of course it was nice to have people so graciously wait on you, but when I went stammering around looking for a vending machine for my crack, I meant Diet Dr Pepper addiction, let's just say those would make this hotel look like a roach motel. I paid $2.98 for a 20oz bottle of DDP!!! It was worth it. They had a fabulous roof top bar on that over looked the harbor and I am kicking myself right now for not taking any pics while we were up there. It was a super great get away. Yes, I missed my kids and my dear husband too, but to be honest the beds were super comfy and we slept in and read and went to the pool and ate....and repeated the next 2 days! I felt refreshed and was, am still a nice shade of hot pink!!!

A picture of us girls...you can tell us two who laid out by the pool for 2 days!!!

It was a great time and I was glad to share a trip with those 2 gals! I have already started planning a trip in my head to Austin. They have both been, and Katie used to live near Luling, but there were some places I mentioned she had never been. Imagine most of them have to do with eating somewhere...hello, Chuy's!!

This summer has been hot and my poor kids never get to go outside that much, but the other day at mom's it wasn't too bad, so we filled the cheap pool up and let them play. Garrison was in the nude, so I will keep those pics to myself. That's all I need is someone thinking I am trying to exploit my children. I am sure someone will gasp in awe that my children are drinking a diet coke anyway...I know it looks bad, and rednecky in all kinds of ways, but they don't drink any unless it's from my can...I can see the desire in Zadie's eyes though...she's going to be addicted to some DDP one of these days!!! And I know Garrison really needs a haircut, but really, how much longer am I going to be allowed to let him have long hair?! It's so cute and curly and it makes him still a baby in my mind. He still wears diapers! HA! I am sure before school starts we'll take him...he screams bloody murder though, it's awful! Maybe I will get Alex to take him!!

Speaking of school, it's less than a month away that we go back. I am always ready when it finally starts, but always a little nervous too! I have already bought some things for my classroom and now just have to go up there and work on it. I have already looked at our schedule to see when breaks are...is that bad?! I am lucky to teach though, I think. Where else can you shape minds, lead students to new adventures and have your own stand up act every day?! I always think I am funny with my 4th graders, but sometimes I end up being the only one laughing. Again, one of my most fun things to do...LAUGH!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

baby thoughts....

Zadie at about 3 months (cute huh?)

We, (Alex and I) have discussed having baby number 3 for quite some time...it's really a decision I wanted us to both agree on. Many people have asked me why I would want another one...there's the usual, "you have one of each" or "you have 2 hands, 2 is good" and of course, "you'll be outnumbered". Well, what if that was the point?? To be outnumbered...to have one more than the adults to make it even crazier than it already is. Don't get my wrong...sometimes I think, why should I mess up a good thing. I do have one of each and they are both growing, smart, healthy kiddos who play really well with one another. I had easy pregnancies. I always felt good and worked right up until I had them both. I am also not getting any younger...unfortunately, that is a negative when trying to have babies...35 is "the" age, so to say that the doctors start monitoring you more, etc...and, I hate to say it out loud, but I am, um, er, 34. Yuck, that tasted horrible...I don't feel that old at all. I think having kids later is going to keep me young...that's one of my many hopes anyway.

So, I went to the doctor and had some blood work done and everything came back normal. Normal I am not though...have always had irregular cycles and although it wasn't hard for me to get pregnant, I kind of had to have a little push with Zadie. And, Garrison was the best shock I ever had in the doctor's office. I don't think I will ever forget that day!! I laughed at the nurse when she told me it came back positive...people who don't have periods aren't supposed to get pregnant...yeah, well tell that to my little blue-eyed boy! I wouldn't trade him for the world!

That being all said and my laundry out in the open, I am, excuse me, we are (can't really do it without help) trying to have baby number 3. Call me crazy or stupid, or anything else you want to call me...but hopefully, in a couple of months, you will call me preggers!

Garrison at about a week old...sweet babies don't ya think?!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

H-town, Eclipse and Zadie's 1st sleepover

Okay, I had some problems trying to upload some pics, so I deleted and started again...not all that happy about that...oh well....computers, right?

Well, I know you have all missed me out there in blog land...I have received many comments about my great writing and when it was going to resume...well, here you go...that's a joke, by the way...

The kids and I had a great time visiting with friends in the Houston area. I always love going to see them. This is our 2nd year to do it...4 nights away from your own bed really is long enough, unless maybe you were on some remote tropical island somewhere, but I wasn't! I am very grateful for the accommodations I had, but sleeping with a very unruly 4 year old is not my idea of vacation or luxury. But, again, I was here to see my dear friends who I don't get to see near enough. Not to mention our kids had the best time playing with one another. Leslie did say if I have a baby number 3 next spring/summer she will come to our house....and then she will be subjected to sharing a bed, I am sure with one of her kids as well.

Leslie is my roommate from college. Her husband also went to college with us, so I feel like he is one of my dear friends as well. We had fun watching our kids run around in their ginormous backyard. And we lucked out that Hurricane Alex was brewing, so it kept the usually hot temps cooler. Our adventures consisted of a quick trip to IKEA, which was great...we only had to take 3 of the 5 kids, and 2 of those got to stay in the kid area. Garrison, had to go with us...but, as always he was a trooper. I have to say, IKEA is great for smaller areas and I would have totally shopped there in college ff there had been one close by. But I don't think the one in Round Rock was built until after I left Austin. We were also brave and took the kids to Fuddrucker's...which was nice because while our kids played in the arcade area, where we also sat trying to contain them, we at least got to drink a beer with our burger. It was a small slice of heaven. For a moment, I almost didn't hear my children screaming and begging me for another quarter!!

We had a great time and it was great to sit around and catch up on gossip and what we have been doing. I will see her again in December....on our girls trip to San Marcos!! I can't wait! Thanks again for the hospitality...Zadie keeps asking when we are going back to visit our cousins, which is funny because she knows they are just our friends. Funny how kids know who they would rather have in their family...if only it were that easy!! Thanks for turning me on to Muscato...have bought 2 bottles since I have been back. It's super yummy!

We also spent time with my friend Kele and her family. We worked together at Elliott's and quickly became friends. She has 3 kiddos and one on the way. It was fun to spend time with her. I think I did a lot more eating there than anything. It was great fun. Her kids are so cute and played well with mine. They all laid on a pallet and watched The Polar Express Thanks sweet friend for having us. I have made the dip twice now...it's a definite hit!

Eclipse, it was great! I have read the books, so seeing the movie to me is just a bonus! It was great and I was pleased. I really loved Jasper in this movie. I remember his story from the book, but never pictured him with that great Texas accent. Well, he did it for me! I love some vampires!!

Zadie went to her friend Leah's last night for a sleepover. I have to admit, I was a little worried and sad that this is a part of her growing up. However, other than our next door neighbors, I never remember spending the night with anyone until I was in school. Zadie and Leah go to school (pre-school) together and also took dance together this last spring. I know Amy, her mom through another friend of ours, but had Amy's mom as a teacher in high school. These 2 girls had a great time and according to Amy, Zadie was on her best behavior and wasn't even scared or sad. She didn't even ask to call me before she went to bed....a little heartbreaking I might admit. She is her mother's child and is very independent and for that I am proud. I have to admit I am a little glad about my parenting skills that she acted so well....I must be doing something right. I think your kids always act better at someone else's house, especially when you are not around. Thanks again Amy and Leah, it's our turn next time!