Okay, I had some problems trying to upload some pics, so I deleted and started again...not all that happy about that...oh well....computers, right?
Well, I know you have all missed me out there in blog land...I have received many comments about my great writing and when it was going to resume...well, here you go...that's a joke, by the way...
The kids and I had a great time visiting with friends in the Houston area. I always love going to see them. This is our 2nd year to do it...4 nights away from your own bed really is long enough, unless maybe you were on some remote tropical island somewhere, but I wasn't! I am very grateful for the accommodations I had, but sleeping with a very unruly 4 year old is not my idea of vacation or luxury. But, again, I was here to see my dear friends who I don't get to see near enough. Not to mention our kids had the best time playing with one another. Leslie did say if I have a baby number 3 next spring/summer she will come to our house....and then she will be subjected to sharing a bed, I am sure with one of her kids as well.
Leslie is my roommate from college. Her husband also went to college with us, so I feel like he is one of my dear friends as well. We had fun watching our kids run around in their ginormous backyard. And we lucked out that Hurricane Alex was brewing, so it kept the usually hot temps cooler. Our adventures consisted of a quick trip to IKEA, which was great...we only had to take 3 of the 5 kids, and 2 of those got to stay in the kid area. Garrison, had to go with us...but, as always he was a trooper. I have to say, IKEA is great for smaller areas and I would have totally shopped there in college ff there had been one close by. But I don't think the one in Round Rock was built until after I left Austin. We were also brave and took the kids to Fuddrucker's...which was nice because while our kids played in the arcade area, where we also sat trying to contain them, we at least got to drink a beer with our burger. It was a small slice of heaven. For a moment, I almost didn't hear my children screaming and begging me for another quarter!!
We had a great time and it was great to sit around and catch up on gossip and what we have been doing. I will see her again in December....on our girls trip to San Marcos!! I can't wait! Thanks again for the hospitality...Zadie keeps asking when we are going back to visit our cousins, which is funny because she knows they are just our friends. Funny how kids know who they would rather have in their family...if only it were that easy!! Thanks for turning me on to Muscato...have bought 2 bottles since I have been back. It's super yummy!
We also spent time with my friend Kele and her family. We worked together at Elliott's and quickly became friends. She has 3 kiddos and one on the way. It was fun to spend time with her. I think I did a lot more eating there than anything. It was great fun. Her kids are so cute and played well with mine. They all laid on a pallet and watched The Polar Express Thanks sweet friend for having us. I have made the dip twice now...it's a definite hit!
Eclipse, it was great! I have read the books, so seeing the movie to me is just a bonus! It was great and I was pleased. I really loved Jasper in this movie. I remember his story from the book, but never pictured him with that great Texas accent. Well, he did it for me! I love some vampires!!
Zadie went to her friend Leah's last night for a sleepover. I have to admit, I was a little worried and sad that this is a part of her growing up. However, other than our next door neighbors, I never remember spending the night with anyone until I was in school. Zadie and Leah go to school (pre-school) together and also took dance together this last spring. I know Amy, her mom through another friend of ours, but had Amy's mom as a teacher in high school. These 2 girls had a great time and according to Amy, Zadie was on her best behavior and wasn't even scared or sad. She didn't even ask to call me before she went to bed....a little heartbreaking I might admit. She is her mother's child and is very independent and for that I am proud. I have to admit I am a little glad about my parenting skills that she acted so well....I must be doing something right. I think your kids always act better at someone else's house, especially when you are not around. Thanks again Amy and Leah, it's our turn next time!

1 comment:
Such a cute family! Beautiful dance pic! I love your writing.
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