A pic from the front of the hotel.
So one of my dear teaching friends, was asked to attend a conference in Galveston for an ESL class for adults that she teaches...everything was being paid for(um, reimbursed to her)....however, she thought it would be a nice get away for myself and another teacher friend. I say teacher friends because if I didn't teach with them, I am not sure we would have ever met any other way. We are all very different, well, I would say that I am very different. They both are very quiet and passive and don't tend to draw a lot of attention to themselves....yeah, well we all know that is not me. They are wonderful examples of Christians and I am so thankful for that. I truly learned more about the bible this past week. I always joke to them that the only thing I bring to our friendship is laughter and cussing, two of my favorite things. And I am pretty sure cussing isn't going to get me a ticket on the first row of heaven. Ha ha! I love these two girls a lot and so thankful we got to spend a couple of days together learning about our lives, love and the Lord, and of course poor Terraysa had to sit in on workshops while Katie and I relaxed by the pool and burned to a crisp!!
Katie and I before we started sweating and before the red appeared. This pool was amazing, and I guess since most people were there for the beach, it wasn't crowded at all.
I have only been to Galveston one other time, which just happened to be last summer as well. I went as a kid, but honestly don't think trips that happened before you were 10 really count because all I remember about that trip was I was in a wedding, and I am pretty sure I remember that mostly from pictures. I digress...we stayed at the fabulous Tremont House Hotel downtown Galveston, close to the strand, one street over to be exact. It was very swanky and I used that adjective the entire time I was there. I am going to admit right now that when I go out of town, swanky is not the word I use to describe the Best Western or Holiday Inn Express I usually stay in...I am there for a shower and somewhere to rest. I will say that I would recommend this hotel to anybody who plans on going there anytime soon. Valet? What's that....ha! Of course it was nice to have people so graciously wait on you, but when I went stammering around looking for a vending machine for my crack, I meant Diet Dr Pepper addiction, let's just say those would make this hotel look like a roach motel. I paid $2.98 for a 20oz bottle of DDP!!! It was worth it. They had a fabulous roof top bar on that over looked the harbor and I am kicking myself right now for not taking any pics while we were up there. It was a super great get away. Yes, I missed my kids and my dear husband too, but to be honest the beds were super comfy and we slept in and read and went to the pool and ate....and repeated the next 2 days! I felt refreshed and was, am still a nice shade of hot pink!!!
A picture of us girls...you can tell us two who laid out by the pool for 2 days!!!
It was a great time and I was glad to share a trip with those 2 gals! I have already started planning a trip in my head to Austin. They have both been, and Katie used to live near Luling, but there were some places I mentioned she had never been. Imagine most of them have to do with eating somewhere...hello, Chuy's!!
This summer has been hot and my poor kids never get to go outside that much, but the other day at mom's it wasn't too bad, so we filled the cheap pool up and let them play. Garrison was in the nude, so I will keep those pics to myself. That's all I need is someone thinking I am trying to exploit my children. I am sure someone will gasp in awe that my children are drinking a diet coke anyway...I know it looks bad, and rednecky in all kinds of ways, but they don't drink any unless it's from my can...I can see the desire in Zadie's eyes though...she's going to be addicted to some DDP one of these days!!! And I know Garrison really needs a haircut, but really, how much longer am I going to be allowed to let him have long hair?! It's so cute and curly and it makes him still a baby in my mind. He still wears diapers! HA! I am sure before school starts we'll take him...he screams bloody murder though, it's awful! Maybe I will get Alex to take him!!
Speaking of school, it's less than a month away that we go back. I am always ready when it finally starts, but always a little nervous too! I have already bought some things for my classroom and now just have to go up there and work on it. I have already looked at our schedule to see when breaks are...is that bad?! I am lucky to teach though, I think. Where else can you shape minds, lead students to new adventures and have your own stand up act every day?! I always think I am funny with my 4th graders, but sometimes I end up being the only one laughing. Again, one of my most fun things to do...LAUGH!