I was hoping I would actually get this posted on their actual birthdays, but that didn't happen!!! We all know my organizational skills are on the low side. One day I might be a grown up and become organized, but I don't see it happening anytime soon!!
My first born, Zadie Paige Harper turned 5 on March 7th. I still can't believe my girl will be in kindergarten next year. I am soooo not ready for that! I could have sworn I was just pregnant with her the other day...thank goodness I am not. She was not really wanting to come into the world anyway. I was scheduled for an induction on March 6th. We get to the hospital bright and early....still dilated to a 1!! Ugh! I had things poked and prodded in me like I was a cow. Finally at about 4 the doc said I could get some real food and then we could start the pitcocin later...sounded great to me, I was starving! The pitocin didn't touch that girl....she was still cooking! Next morning doc comes in and breaks my water and all hell breaks lose! I was in pain and wanted to die....the epidural almost didn't take and then when it did, I couldn't feel anything! Finally, after about 2 and half hours of pushing, the little child decided it was time!! 7 pounds 6 ounces...not much for all that pushing I had to do!!! To say the least...she's been a little stubborn ever since!
Zadie is full of drama in the girl sense of the way. She has such a big heart and wants to help (most of the time). She is so smart, and imaginative. I really have no idea where it comes from. She has always been able to entertain herself and loves to entertain others. She makes up songs, and dances to them in her own way. She dresses herself a lot like Punky Brewster on some days. She's a daddy's girl and he's a little soft on her as well. She loves jewelry and being a girl. She is a wonderful big sister and Garrison adores her (when she's not bossing him around). I love her to pieces and although we have some pretty dramatic fits, I wouldn't have it any other way!
My computer is acting up and I can't find any newborn pics of Zadie, so I am going to post 3 months....also, haven't uploaded her bday pics from my camera (it got left at my mom's)...so here goes what I have!
Zadie at 3 months...mother's day weekend | | |
1st bday party at my mom's |
2nd bday party at house (2 days later brother arrived) |
3rd bday party...didn't like being sung to |
4th bday party...much happier |
not quite 5 yet...but almost! |
Now, just 2 days later in 2008, Garrison was born. He wasn't due until the 17th, but we had already scheduled my induction for the 13th. Well, Sunday morning, the 9th on time change day no less, I went into labor on my own. My dear husband didn't believe me and kept saying he's not coming until the 13th. I believe I used a few choice words and told him to get in the car and drive my fat butt to the hospital. Sure enough, when we got there, I was dilated to a 5!!! Had him about 3 hours after we arrived....all 8 pounds and 4 ounces of him! He was a breeze to deliver compared to sister!
Garrison is sweet, and super laid back. I don't know if it's because he's the 2nd one, or that's just the way he is. He is a snuggler and will sleep in (thank goodness). He's a thumb sucker and is attached to his "bankie" (blankie). I tend to baby him since he's my baby, but he's fine. He talks all the time and I am pretty sure that's because sister talks all the time and he has to keep up. He loves Zadie and usually calls her "Sister" and not Zadie, unless he's really trying to get her attention. He LOVES to be outside and would stay out there if we let him. He tends to be more of a momma's boy, but loves hanging out with Daddy and PaPa. Especially when they go to Pa's house and check the cows. He has a great vocabulary and is just sweet as pie. He throws a few good fits of his own. We are still working on the potty training, and I am losing! I still can't beleive my baby boy is 3!!
Garrison Alex Harper 3.9.08 |
G Man's 1st bday |
2nd bday at McDonald's |
not quite 3, but close enough! |
I will hopefully get birthday party pictures loaded this week as well since I am freeloading it during spring break!! Well, I actually cleaned my car out today too. I plan on running it through the car wash later as it looks like crap. With the dirt, pollen, and the Bradford pear tree's blossoms all over it, it looks a little sad. Why oh why did I eve buy a black car?? Because they are cool, right?!
I love Spring Break! My kids have been playing well and it gives me a chance to catch up on things, like reading, visiting with old friends, and getting my hair did! Oh yes, I swear turning 35 has been hell on my hair!! I mean the gray is outta control!! Thanks mom, appreciate that gene! My teaching partner even pointed it out the other day....ugh! I used to could stretch the time out to about 8-19 weeks when I saw my wonderful hair dresser...but it's looking like I am going to have to every 6 weeks. Staying looking this good ain't cheap!! lol!
I think the Easter candy I bought for the kids birthday party is calling my name. I can't let those Reese's peanut butter eggs sit too long by themselves...they tend to get lonely!
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