Tuesday, December 20, 2011

sweet sleeping baby MK

Miss Murphy Kate had her 2 month check up today.  She did fabulous, and although she had to have 3 shots in her little thigh none the less, she did great.  In fact, she has slept most of the day.

At 2 months, she weighs 11 1/2 pounds and is 22 inches long.  The doctor said she was in the 50th percentile for weight and 25th of height...yeah, sister...get used to being a shorty...if you are anything like me, height is not on your side.  Developmentally she's perfect as well, like I needed confirmation for that.

Let's just say taking all 3 kids with me to the doctor's office was about as much fun as having a root canal, and I am pretty sure a root canal might be better, because at least you are by yourself with nobody to give directions too.  I think the whole "Santa is watching" really helped out today.  No, they really weren't that bad, they were actually great. It's hard to be still and behave in a small area for too long.  There were no meltdowns, or screams or fighting.  Zadie and Garrison really play well together and are nice to each other most of the time.  It was sweet today...they were sitting in the one chair in the room and she was playing a game on my phone, and he had his hand around her waist just watching her.  He truly does love his big sister.  I hope they always remain close and have a great relationship.

Today is my wedding anniversary.  Alex and I have been married for 8 years....crazy.  God really knew what he was doing when he brought us together.  I have been blessed with a man who is a wonderful husband and father.  I watch him with all of our kids, and now again with a baby, and it just melts my heart that he is such an amazing father.  But, that is one of the reasons I married him...I knew he would be an excellent father.  I am looking forward to spending 88 more years with that man.
Alex and I at a bday party 2 years ago

1 comment:

RedRae said...

Happy Anniversary! You two are so cute! I love reading your updates about the kiddos! :D