Saturday, June 26, 2010
one more thing...
Zadie came into her room with her play dog and a basket full of barbies and said they had been traveling all over Afriamerica...I thought it was hilarious...she's so funny and serious at the same time!! Oh that girl, I never know what might come out of her mouth!
a week with the duggars....
Well, not 2 kiddos and Melinda and Sofia are headed to Houston tomorrow to see my friend KeLe and her 3, soon to be 4 kiddos, and then on to see my roomie and bestie from college, Leslie and her 3, if you do the math, we are getting close to 18, or 19, how many ever damn kids they have. I am sure it will be lots of fun for the kids because they get to play and have fun, while us mommies run around crazy trying to make sure they don't run into the street or push one another, or drown while we are swimming...when they are young, there are so many things to worry makes me crazy sometimes. However, I am looking forward to it. Most of the time my kids are excellent in the car, so we are looking forward to smooth sailing.
In December, is when us mommies get to play. We meet up in San Marcos for a weekend of laughter, shopping, eating, and usually a drink or 2. It's been a tradition going on 4 years's so much fun. I am usually trying to plan it around's nice to get away with your friends without your darling husband or children.
So, hopefully I will at least to get a pic of the kids together, and if I am really lucky, us girls will have ours taken as well!
In December, is when us mommies get to play. We meet up in San Marcos for a weekend of laughter, shopping, eating, and usually a drink or 2. It's been a tradition going on 4 years's so much fun. I am usually trying to plan it around's nice to get away with your friends without your darling husband or children.
So, hopefully I will at least to get a pic of the kids together, and if I am really lucky, us girls will have ours taken as well!
Monday, June 21, 2010
status update....
Well, we made it through the doctor's appointment. I will say I asked the nurses if my children screamed as much as everyone else's and they said yes. I think they were pulling my leg because it sounded like both of mine were having an appendage removed with a hacksaw!!! I am not was rough. Good news was it was over quickly and suckers seemed to cure their shot spots. Poor things had to get 4 a piece. Thank goodness my mom came along for the fun. She had Zadie in one room, and I took Garrison in another. The look on his face when the first shot went into his leg about broke me. I was holding back big tears myself. Good thing it only has to happen once a year now for both of them!! My plan was to take before and after pics, but I just managed with before...they were all smiles as you can see. They didn't know what was coming....

So, I am proud to say they are exactly where they need to be developmentally. Zadie is in the 75th percentile for height and 90th percent for weight...she's a solid gal. Garrison is in 25th percentile for weight and 50th for height. I believe her words were "they are perfect." Like I thought any different.
I have had the privilege to have my best friend since Kinder living in MP this past year and it's been wonderful. About 2 weeks ago I took the kids to her house and we played outside in cheap, plastic pools, which they loved. She has Sofia who is precious and my kids love her to death, which is nice since number 3 is "trying" to be in the works. Here are some pics from our day as well.

On a sadder note, this past week my small town has dealt with a terrible tragedy and loss of a sweet, young man. One I knew from school and when I worked at Elliott's. He was just a year younger than me and leaves a precious wife and 4 kiddos behind. I know my faith is strong, and I certainly believe in God and know he has a plan for each of us. But, it is when things like this happen, I want to question God and just ask why...why now? why him? And for anyone who has ever suffered a tragic loss in their life, it's a hurt you can't describe. We all expect older people to die, as well as those who have been suffering from an illness for a long time. The day I got the phone call that my step dad was dead, is one I will forever remember in my head and heart. The breath is literally sucked right out of you, like you yourself are leaving the earth for a moment. I don't really know any other way to describe it than's strange. I miss him terribly and think of how much he would have loved my kids, and how he and Alex would have gotten along like two peas in a pod. They say it all happens for a reason, and I believe that. I never in a million years imagined I would have moved back home...why would anyone leave Austin for goodness sake!?!!! However, had he not died, I don't think I would have ever moved home...and we know the rest, no sweet husband, no adorable I have faith that God has plans for that sweet young man and his family, whatever they are. I pray they continue to look towards God and seek his comfort.
So, I am proud to say they are exactly where they need to be developmentally. Zadie is in the 75th percentile for height and 90th percent for weight...she's a solid gal. Garrison is in 25th percentile for weight and 50th for height. I believe her words were "they are perfect." Like I thought any different.
I have had the privilege to have my best friend since Kinder living in MP this past year and it's been wonderful. About 2 weeks ago I took the kids to her house and we played outside in cheap, plastic pools, which they loved. She has Sofia who is precious and my kids love her to death, which is nice since number 3 is "trying" to be in the works. Here are some pics from our day as well.
On a sadder note, this past week my small town has dealt with a terrible tragedy and loss of a sweet, young man. One I knew from school and when I worked at Elliott's. He was just a year younger than me and leaves a precious wife and 4 kiddos behind. I know my faith is strong, and I certainly believe in God and know he has a plan for each of us. But, it is when things like this happen, I want to question God and just ask why...why now? why him? And for anyone who has ever suffered a tragic loss in their life, it's a hurt you can't describe. We all expect older people to die, as well as those who have been suffering from an illness for a long time. The day I got the phone call that my step dad was dead, is one I will forever remember in my head and heart. The breath is literally sucked right out of you, like you yourself are leaving the earth for a moment. I don't really know any other way to describe it than's strange. I miss him terribly and think of how much he would have loved my kids, and how he and Alex would have gotten along like two peas in a pod. They say it all happens for a reason, and I believe that. I never in a million years imagined I would have moved back home...why would anyone leave Austin for goodness sake!?!!! However, had he not died, I don't think I would have ever moved home...and we know the rest, no sweet husband, no adorable I have faith that God has plans for that sweet young man and his family, whatever they are. I pray they continue to look towards God and seek his comfort.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Well, I just finished eat,love,pray by Elizabeth Gilbert. I mainly wanted to read it since Julia Roberts is making a movie of it...we all know how that goes, the book is always way better than the movie, but I like to compare the two anyway. It is interesting...I will say that, and in a good way. Don't get me wrong, it's not one of my faves, but I learned a lot about mantras, and places to go eat in Italy if I ever make it there and all about Bali, another place I will probably never make it to. But, if you find yourself wanting a mindless read, one where if you skip half a page because you aren't paying attention, like I tend to do in a lot of books I read, (you won't miss anything by the way)'s one to read. I even read while my kids were screaming over some toy. I know, that sounds like I am terrible mom. A big shout out to my stay at home mom's...don't know how you do it. The summer time is enough for this chic!
On a more exciting note...I get to take both of my children to get their immunizations tomorrow...gee, that will be loads of fun. I don't know who needs the tylenol before we go, them or me. I am thinking that I might want to leave there and head straight to the closest watering hole for a drink, or maybe a shot myself!! AHHHHH! From what I hear 4 year old's get 4 or 5 shots, yeah...I can't wait! Poor child has already asked me if she was going to have to get a shot, and I lied and told her maybe one...the doctor was just going to see how much she and brother have grown. I don't take my kids to the doctor unless they are super sick, and then I take them to my family practitioner who I have seen my whole life as well. I know pediatricians are wonderful people, but where they are in my town of not so many people, is a mad house and I could think of funner places to be with 2 children, like maybe even Wal, if you live close to my area and hear 2 children wailing like they are having a leg or arm amputated, it's just my two. They will probably never forgive me, unless of course I take them to Wal-Mart and buy them a toy.
So, stay tuned to my fabulous adventure tomorrow....stories I am sure will come from this trip!
On a more exciting note...I get to take both of my children to get their immunizations tomorrow...gee, that will be loads of fun. I don't know who needs the tylenol before we go, them or me. I am thinking that I might want to leave there and head straight to the closest watering hole for a drink, or maybe a shot myself!! AHHHHH! From what I hear 4 year old's get 4 or 5 shots, yeah...I can't wait! Poor child has already asked me if she was going to have to get a shot, and I lied and told her maybe one...the doctor was just going to see how much she and brother have grown. I don't take my kids to the doctor unless they are super sick, and then I take them to my family practitioner who I have seen my whole life as well. I know pediatricians are wonderful people, but where they are in my town of not so many people, is a mad house and I could think of funner places to be with 2 children, like maybe even Wal, if you live close to my area and hear 2 children wailing like they are having a leg or arm amputated, it's just my two. They will probably never forgive me, unless of course I take them to Wal-Mart and buy them a toy.
So, stay tuned to my fabulous adventure tomorrow....stories I am sure will come from this trip!
Monday, June 14, 2010
Random thoughts of crap
Okay, so another week has started and I actually had to set an alarm to get up to take Zadie to VBS at a church we don't attend...didn't feel guilty at all about it! Oh well, let's hope the church is still standing when I go to pick her up.
I am having a bit of a time about deciding something about my future, and it's a bit scary. I have prayed about it, and took my mother's advice and prayed about it and made a pros/cons list and prayed some more. I am always uneasy about change to begin please pray for me as well to make the right decision.
I don't have any other words of wisdom today...I have sent sister to VBS, boy or brother as he is so fondly called has his sippy cup of milk and some grapes planted in front of he tv, nick jr of course, and I am about to clean my room...that sounds a bit juvenile doesn't it, clean my room, what am I, 12?! Oh wait, I am close to that in my mental age some days...I hate to clean, not a fan at all. Speaking of, the darn cat needs her litter box changed...I am secretly waiting to become pregnant so I don't have to change it anymore...ha!
I am also showing some pics from the last few weeks...I believe they are just some shots of the kids swimming in our luxurious 18 dollar swimming pool. Also, some fro Zadie's recital. I know...our life is so wild!!
Friday, June 11, 2010
If anyone ever reads this, it will be beyond me. I am known for not keeping up with things very well, so we will see how this goes.
I have seen, stalked, followed a number of people's blogs for quite some time now and believe I am more informed about a lot of things, especially what's happening in the lives of people I have known for a long time, or don't know at all. I won't embarrass myself and mention any names of those who I have followed, but it's safe to say, I am quite knowledgeable of those folks and their daily happenings...hope you don't mind sense your blog has been out in the public for a while now.
I also thought since a lot of my(well, I won't say a lot, because I am not sure how many people will ever come across this), but let's say family members who aren't on facebook/twitter or some new networking site I am not aware of), thought they might get a chance to see the real reason they want me to communicate with them anyway...for pictures of my adorable kiddos of course.
So, here, today on this Friday, June 11, I hereby enslave myself to one more thing I am yet to be 100% committed to. I am not even sure I will be able to add such cute designs as some of you do. But, if one day you finally read or come across this blog and it stinks in your opinion...just keep it to yourself and tell me how cute my kids are. I promise we will still be friends.
I have seen, stalked, followed a number of people's blogs for quite some time now and believe I am more informed about a lot of things, especially what's happening in the lives of people I have known for a long time, or don't know at all. I won't embarrass myself and mention any names of those who I have followed, but it's safe to say, I am quite knowledgeable of those folks and their daily happenings...hope you don't mind sense your blog has been out in the public for a while now.
I also thought since a lot of my(well, I won't say a lot, because I am not sure how many people will ever come across this), but let's say family members who aren't on facebook/twitter or some new networking site I am not aware of), thought they might get a chance to see the real reason they want me to communicate with them anyway...for pictures of my adorable kiddos of course.
So, here, today on this Friday, June 11, I hereby enslave myself to one more thing I am yet to be 100% committed to. I am not even sure I will be able to add such cute designs as some of you do. But, if one day you finally read or come across this blog and it stinks in your opinion...just keep it to yourself and tell me how cute my kids are. I promise we will still be friends.
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