Okay, so another week has started and I actually had to set an alarm to get up to take Zadie to VBS at a church we don't attend...didn't feel guilty at all about it! Oh well, let's hope the church is still standing when I go to pick her up.
I am having a bit of a time about deciding something about my future, and it's a bit scary. I have prayed about it, and took my mother's advice and prayed about it and made a pros/cons list and prayed some more. I am always uneasy about change to begin with...so please pray for me as well to make the right decision.
I don't have any other words of wisdom today...I have sent sister to VBS, boy or brother as he is so fondly called has his sippy cup of milk and some grapes planted in front of he tv, nick jr of course, and I am about to clean my room...that sounds a bit juvenile doesn't it, clean my room, what am I, 12?! Oh wait, I am close to that in my mental age some days...I hate to clean, not a fan at all. Speaking of, the darn cat needs her litter box changed...I am secretly waiting to become pregnant so I don't have to change it anymore...ha!
I am also showing some pics from the last few weeks...I believe they are just some shots of the kids swimming in our luxurious 18 dollar swimming pool. Also, some fro Zadie's recital. I know...our life is so wild!!
1 comment:
Amanda- SO cute!!!!! Your family is precious! I am so happy you have a blog now!
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