Saturday, June 26, 2010

a week with the duggars....

Well, not 2 kiddos and Melinda and Sofia are headed to Houston tomorrow to see my friend KeLe and her 3, soon to be 4 kiddos, and then on to see my roomie and bestie from college, Leslie and her 3, if you do the math, we are getting close to 18, or 19, how many ever damn kids they have. I am sure it will be lots of fun for the kids because they get to play and have fun, while us mommies run around crazy trying to make sure they don't run into the street or push one another, or drown while we are swimming...when they are young, there are so many things to worry makes me crazy sometimes. However, I am looking forward to it. Most of the time my kids are excellent in the car, so we are looking forward to smooth sailing.

In December, is when us mommies get to play. We meet up in San Marcos for a weekend of laughter, shopping, eating, and usually a drink or 2. It's been a tradition going on 4 years's so much fun. I am usually trying to plan it around's nice to get away with your friends without your darling husband or children.

So, hopefully I will at least to get a pic of the kids together, and if I am really lucky, us girls will have ours taken as well!

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