Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Well, I just finished eat,love,pray by Elizabeth Gilbert. I mainly wanted to read it since Julia Roberts is making a movie of it...we all know how that goes, the book is always way better than the movie, but I like to compare the two anyway. It is interesting...I will say that, and in a good way. Don't get me wrong, it's not one of my faves, but I learned a lot about mantras, and places to go eat in Italy if I ever make it there and all about Bali, another place I will probably never make it to. But, if you find yourself wanting a mindless read, one where if you skip half a page because you aren't paying attention, like I tend to do in a lot of books I read, (you won't miss anything by the way)...it's one to read. I even read while my kids were screaming over some toy. I know, that sounds like I am terrible mom. A big shout out to my stay at home mom's...don't know how you do it. The summer time is enough for this chic!

On a more exciting note...I get to take both of my children to get their immunizations tomorrow...gee, that will be loads of fun. I don't know who needs the tylenol before we go, them or me. I am thinking that I might want to leave there and head straight to the closest watering hole for a drink, or maybe a shot myself!! AHHHHH! From what I hear 4 year old's get 4 or 5 shots, yeah...I can't wait! Poor child has already asked me if she was going to have to get a shot, and I lied and told her maybe one...the doctor was just going to see how much she and brother have grown. I don't take my kids to the doctor unless they are super sick, and then I take them to my family practitioner who I have seen my whole life as well. I know pediatricians are wonderful people, but where they are in my town of not so many people, is a mad house and I could think of funner places to be with 2 children, like maybe even Wal Mart...so, if you live close to my area and hear 2 children wailing like they are having a leg or arm amputated, it's just my two. They will probably never forgive me, unless of course I take them to Wal-Mart and buy them a toy.

So, stay tuned to my fabulous adventure tomorrow....stories I am sure will come from this trip!

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