Tuesday, December 20, 2011

sweet sleeping baby MK

Miss Murphy Kate had her 2 month check up today.  She did fabulous, and although she had to have 3 shots in her little thigh none the less, she did great.  In fact, she has slept most of the day.

At 2 months, she weighs 11 1/2 pounds and is 22 inches long.  The doctor said she was in the 50th percentile for weight and 25th of height...yeah, sister...get used to being a shorty...if you are anything like me, height is not on your side.  Developmentally she's perfect as well, like I needed confirmation for that.

Let's just say taking all 3 kids with me to the doctor's office was about as much fun as having a root canal, and I am pretty sure a root canal might be better, because at least you are by yourself with nobody to give directions too.  I think the whole "Santa is watching" really helped out today.  No, they really weren't that bad, they were actually great. It's hard to be still and behave in a small area for too long.  There were no meltdowns, or screams or fighting.  Zadie and Garrison really play well together and are nice to each other most of the time.  It was sweet today...they were sitting in the one chair in the room and she was playing a game on my phone, and he had his hand around her waist just watching her.  He truly does love his big sister.  I hope they always remain close and have a great relationship.

Today is my wedding anniversary.  Alex and I have been married for 8 years....crazy.  God really knew what he was doing when he brought us together.  I have been blessed with a man who is a wonderful husband and father.  I watch him with all of our kids, and now again with a baby, and it just melts my heart that he is such an amazing father.  But, that is one of the reasons I married him...I knew he would be an excellent father.  I am looking forward to spending 88 more years with that man.
Alex and I at a bday party 2 years ago

Monday, December 19, 2011

I. Suck. at blogging. period.

Hee hee!  Kids are napping and I am enjoying listening to the rain and looking at my beautiful Christmas tree...it's peaceful.  I never thought all 3 of my kids would be asleep at the same time, especially Zadie, since she loves to NOT nap anymore.  Being the big kindergartner and all, she thinks she is too big for it. 

So many things to blog about, but really just feel like posting a few notables for now....the biggest one being the arrival our our newest family member, Murphy Kate Harper.  She came into the world on October 19, 2011 at 2:54 pm.  She weighed 7 lbs 12 oz and was 20 inches long.  She was perfect...although her delivery was FAR from it.  I really thought the 3rd baby would be the easiest...HA!  It was a super traumatic delivery and I am glad it's over!!! My epidural did not take and I am a big wuss when it comes to pain...she's a sweet baby and so far everything has been relatively easy...after the initial pain of labor and my old ass body trying to have another baby.  My only hope in having babies in my 30s, is that they will keep me young!

It's almost Christmas, and the kids are driving me crazy on their first day home from school!  I am still on maternity leave, so it's usually just MK and I hanging out in our jammies, taking naps, snacking...doing much of nothing really.  Although there were days she and I went out shopping...the one good thing about those carriers is that they sleep well in them and it allows you to do some shopping every now and again.  It's been nice being off this long with her.  With my other 2 I just took 6 weeks, but since Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays were close together, I decided to not go back until January.  I told my mom the other day, I really hope I remember how to teach!  Ha! 

I have gone up to see my 4th grade kiddos and they seem like they are ready for me to come back as well.  I was so lucky to have someone wonderful to take my maternity leave.  She was great and I know the kids enjoyed her.  As sad as I am a little bit to leave MK at the sitters, I am ready to go back to a normal day where I have to brush my teeth and get dressed for the day.  It will be hard at first, but Alex will help me like usual...we'll just be throwing a 3rd one into the mix!

I am looking forward to Christmas this year because my cousins are coming to my mom's.  They have both moved out of state and I haven't seen them in a year or more it seems.  We always have the best time catching up, eating, playing cards and just laughing.

I guess all my pics are on my phone from the baby, and I not sure how to get them onto this blog, so the only ones I will post will be from their photo shoot I had done for their Christmas cards...it was too cold to do too many of MK, so we worked with what we had that day. 

I can't believe my babies are getting so big.  Zadie loves school, and so does Garrison.  They have been great help with the baby and they love to love on her.  Garrison is a little protective of her and Zadie is a little mom.  I have to watch her sometimes, or she'll just be holding her with her little head just a flopping everywhere.  However, I don't get on to her...I really enjoy her help and watching her be a big sister.  I want her to look back on it and smile, like she really wanted to do it, and not because I needed her help.

I am so grateful to be able to spend some time with my family for Christmas.  Hopefully after my life gets a little more back to order, I can try and blog more.  Like anyone reads this thing anyway, but it's a way for me to write stuff down, especially about my kiddos!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

my goal this week....

My goal this week is to update this blog and add some pics from end of summer and start of school.  Still can't believe I have a kindergartner...she loves school and is worn out every day when I pick her up!

Garrison isMrs. Debbie's as well...

Alex has been working hard on getting the house in order for baby Murphy Kate's arrival.  I went to the doc last Monday, not dilated, but measuring a week ahead.  Yikes!

Lots more to talk about...as I said...goal will hopefully get accomplished~

Friday, July 22, 2011

being pregnant

I saw someone the other day and they asked how much longer I had...in my mind, October still seems like a long way off.  She got me to thinking...how much longer do I really have?! I sat in the Wal Mart parking lot counting on my hands just how many weeks I had left...14!!!!  Yikes!  Where in the heck has the time gone with this pregnancy?  Is it because I was so paranoid at first and no one knew?  Is it because this my 3rd baby and things seem to be on the back burner the more kids you have? 

Then I started a little mental freak out of all the things I need to get done here at the house and things I haven't even bought.  With my other 2 it seems like I had already bought some diapers and some outfits...no diapers, and a few sleepers is all I have purchased.  I feel like such a slacker.  I am going to blame it on the heat.  Being pregnant in the dead middle of the summer heat is awful!  Not to mention Texas is having one of the biggest heat waves ever, and the drought of all droughts. It really is bad here...and I think pretty much all of the south.

I am trying to relax and not feel so overwhelmed...but it's going to be here before I know it and everything needs to be in place, including things at school.  Oh man, I better get busy.

I did get a prescription to Ambien from my doc...and let me just tell you, the first night I took it was pure heaven.  Best. Sleep. Ever.  From them on, I have been a crazy person.  That medicine makes me so whacked out I really don't remember some of the things I did..and I followed the directions.  Take one right before bed and go to sleep...yeah, did that.  To say the least, I am not taking it anymore...benadryl is going to have to work, and I am just going to have to get used to not getting any sleep, which I guess is fine, since I won't get any sleep when baby gets here!

I am going to get a massage next week.  One of my students gave one to me as a gift at the end of the year...I hope I don't fall asleep or make some creepy, groaning noises while I am in there.  I have only had one before, and that was almost 8 years ago.  I really wanted to wait until after I had the baby, but it runs out this month.  We shall see. 

And I have to comment on Zadie...the other day we were talking about dogs, and she was talking about Avery, our dog.  I asked her if she knew what kind she was, and she said, "Yes, she's a Laboratory, like Dexter's Laboratory."  My mom and I almost fell out of our seats laughing.  She said it so matter of factly.  Kids say the darndest things!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Picture overload...May, June and some of July.

Well, I didn't quite getting around to this yesterday with my doc appointment and then I also got my teeth cleaned...LOVE going to the dentist!!  I am sure I am about one in a million who actually enjoy getting my teeth cleaned.  Being pregnant tends to make your gums bleed a little more than usual,but other than that...teeth looked great!!  No cavities!  I have had 3 I think....small ones.  I inherited really good teeth from my dad.  I have my own issues with that man, but am thankful I got his teeth, and most of the time, glad I got his curly hair.

Anyway, the first few pics are from end of May pre-k celebrations for Zadie.  Garrison has a cameo from KidFirst, but it's mainly all Zadie.  The first ones are from Mrs. Debbie's.  Zadie learned so much there and really had a great time.  Garrison will be going there this fall and he's looking forward to it as well. They were always doing art projects, and had a science center that Zadie loved.  They also spent a lot of time outside talking about nature.  LOVED Mrs. Debbie, and so did Zadie.

getting ready for program with Jack and Abby

performing a song

Our first pre-k graduate...round one
The same weekend, Zadie and Garrison had their end of year program at KidFirst in MP.  Zadie started going at about 18 months, and Garrison has gone since he was a baby.  They have such a great group of ladies who teach our children so many things, especially about God and the Bible.  Zadie's class did have a pre-k graduation as well and sang some songs.  I somehow only managed to tear up at both.  I could have really cried a lot being so pregnant and hormonal, and the fact that Zadie is growing up so quickly....sniff, sniff.

singing one of the songs

they got to dress up as what they wanted to be....she's an "artist"

a little blurry, but look at that sweet, excited girl!

Pre-k graduate 2011 with flowers from Nanny

Garrison singing with his class

Garrison had told me before we left, he was NOT going to sing...well, he did.  He stole the show!  He's a funny guy sometimes.  Definitely has a lot of his mommas personality.

The first week school was out we ventured to Glen Rose, Texas to check out all things dinosaur. We have family that lives there and have been there many times, but haven't really taken the kids places we knew they would love.  On our stop, we went to Dinoworld, Fossil Rim, Dinosaur State Park, and of course, the hotel swimming pool.  It was a great time to go, because a lot of the schools in Texas were still in school, so we basically had every place to our selves, even the hotel.  My mom's cousin and her parents live there, and she owns a pie shop downtown, so we got to have some pie and visit with family too.  Of course no trip in our family is complete without a trip to the golf course, or Bass Pro Shops!!  My kids love that place, which is good because it's air conditioned.  This summer has started off hot, and it has stayed hot.  I will be welcoming fall like temps in my arms like a long, lost friend!

Alex is TRex's head at Dinoworld

Zadie and Garrison

my 2 monkeys with TREX

getting to do a "fossil dig"

Zadie and her finds

@Fossil Rim...

This guy stuck his head right into our truck...and ate right out of my hand...

You could feed the giraffes too, but this one just stood there like "we" were the crazy people!
Sis enjoying the Paluxy River at the State Park (kids under 12 FREE!!)

Garrison's turn

his face says it all

oh to hear their little conversation
this little girl loved the water...it was clear and cool!

I took a "cool" spill in the water...more worried about my camera...although being preggers, it scared me a bit

help from Daddy swimming
swimming at the lake for 4th of July

4th of July weekend
at Bass Pro in Grapevine...

such posers

night swimming at Sandy's

jumping off for the first time

after saying he WASN'T going under, he decided to jump in too!

We had a great time on our vacation, even though it was sooo hot.  Thank goodness for the swimming pool at hotel, we swam every night. 

The 2nd week of June the kiddos took swimming lessons from the same lady I took swimming lessons from 30 years ago...they did great.  The first day they both were a little apprehensive, and this fat preggers had to get in the pool with Garrison.  If there was ever a trade mark on a death grip, he def had one.  Poor guy, he cried the first 3 days.  But he did so well, and would go under water and was such a good listener...he was always glad it was over, but would always say, "Mom, I did great didn't I?" He was so proud of himself and he's definitely a different person in the water.  Zadie couldn't contain herself by the second day, she was always wanting to show her teachers how she could hold her breath under water...and she does it without holding her nose.  I am so very proud of her....now, if we only had a pool!

4th of July weekend we went out to the lake where some friends were camping and had a boat...I didn't get very many pictures because I am always afraid of getting it wet and ruining it!  Garrison stayed in the muddy water forever.  Our friends have a boat and took the kids on their first boat ride.  They loved it.  Then we all went out to watch the fireworks.  Something I enjoyed as well.  Other than it being extremely hot, we all had a great time and of course the talk of wanting a boat and camper always happens after we leave...personally, I would love to live on the lake, but most of the houses I like are way out of my price range.  Maybe if I won the lottery....but I hardly ever play.

Mom and I took the kids to Grapevine to our close family friends Sandy's house.  They have a pool and the kids literally swam every day and night...which I did too.  Nothing feels better for a fat pregnant lady than to float in the water...it almost made me forget how fat I am!!! lol!  We also took them to Bass Pro Shop.  Again, I swear they could spend hours in there...we were so glad to get to spend some time with Sandy and her girls.  They are all grown up and it makes me feel old, but I am so glad we have stayed friends with them for so long.  Sandy also introduced Zadie to the Wii, and Dance Party 2, or whatever it's called...um, she LOVED it...not to mention I had to jump in and show off my moves.  I kinda got a little competitive and kept playing to get more points...pretty good workout for this gal!  Santa, maybe he can bring us one for Christmas.

I got my prescription filled for Ambien yesterday after I saw my doctor....OH MY WORD.  Best sleep ever in a long time.  I am going to try and not take it too much, because I could get used to sleeping so heavily, but I will have a newborn baby in less than 4 months...so, I will have to slowly wean myself off of them.  Thank you Dr. S for hooking me up! 

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Time...where does it go...random thoughts....read if you dare!

I have been terrible at blogging lately.  I have no excuse, but I feel bad because my main reason for blogging was to talk about my kids and what they have been up to and upload cute pics, as well as document this pregnancy.  If this were for a grade, well I would have a big fat F by now.

This summer has been going by so quickly.  I still don't have Zadie's pre-k graduation pics up or our vacation we took shortly after school let out.  That will have to wait, because I have yet to load those pictures on the computer yet.  Maybe tomorrow...the kids have school and I have nothing planned.  When I say school, it's a summer program 2 days a week, but it's good for all of us!

We also (kids, mom and I) took a quick trip to Grapevine last week to hang out with some dear friends of my mom's.  I feel like I have tons to catch up on....I am not even sure where to begin.

Pregnancy.  Well, I am 25 weeks today and am large and in charge.  Someone asked me the other day if I was having twins.  Um, no.  It's always women who feel the need to comment on another pregnant womans look I suppose.  Hey, I know I am already a fluffy gal, but I am also a whopping 5 feet tall.  There's not a lot of room for a growing baby.  So, yes, I look further along than I am, but it is also my 3rd pregnancy. So, there, suck it people who don't know me and want to comment on how big I already am!  All in all, I have been feeling really good.  Insomnia is my biggest complaint at the moment...benadryl, tylenol pm...not much is helping me sleep.  Some nights I swear I am still awake at 4 in the morning...but what I am going to do.  I have read an extreme amount of books and am currently awaiting on 2 more from Amazon.  It does put a kink in my daytime activities.  At least I am off this summer, so I can nap...but then that makes night time sleep a little less as well.  My doc did say she could give me a prescription for Ambien.  I am going tomorrow for my monthly check up....I may be taking her up on the offer.

We are 90% sure this baby is a girl, which is another thing I am going to have her check out tomorrow as well.  I am gong to have some caffeine so little (miss) will move around a little more freely so we can check out her private parts!  I have a dear sweet friend who has tons of baby girl stuff to give to me...kinda need to make sure that's what this little baby is!  I have had a feeling for a while it is a girl, but still...just to be on the safe side.  Zadie is super excited about it being a girl.  Garrison said he wasn't going to share his toys with the new baby....poor little fella.  I am not sure if he is not keen on it being a girl, or keen on having another baby.  He's definitely been my baby for a while...and I think he's kinda of gotten used to the role.  He did tell his teacher at school that there were 2 baby boys and a girl in his mommas belly....lol!  Thank goodness there is just one sweet blessing!

We are slowly getting things ready at the house.  We have just about finished Garrison's room.  He got some new upgraded furniture and bedding.  He loves playing in his room and will for hours.  I am truly blessed to have two kids who can entertain themselves or one another.  Some days they will play with one another for hours on end....and some days I am really lucky and they don't even fight.

I have already bought school supplies...I guess being a teacher turns you into a supply dork at some point in time.  I get all excited about the sales at Staples.  I am officially turning into my mom!  I am excited about taking Zadie shopping for school supplies.  I am a little sad she's going to be in kindergarten, but I think she's going to love school and do great.  Hopefully she will begin to grow out of some of her stubborn ways.  I will be saying lots of prayers for her teacher as well.

I have also gotten together with some of my team from school this summer!  I never knew how awesome we all would mesh together.  We are a wide range of ages, some married, some with young kids, some with high school aged kids and yet...as a team, we totally rock.  We got together and saw Bad Teacher a couple of weeks ago.  It was pretty funny.  Cameron Diaz is a really bad teacher....

Well, hopefully tomorrow I will post some pics of May, June...and now July.  It is a fact I have about 5 weeks until school starts.  I love summer, but it always seems to go so quickly. 

Monday, June 27, 2011


I have tried leaving numerous comments on others blogs, and most of them end up logging me out of blogger land.  When I did a help search, I found an answer that made you go into comments and choose the last one...I forget now.  So, if your comments are having people choose a profile, it won't let them post a comment for whatever reason.  I fixed it on my end, but until the people I follow do so too, I can't leave comments on their pages....and that's a big fat BOO to me!!

I started another post the other day, but didnt' have the pics downloaded...so I guess I will finish that later.  Right now I am supposed to be cleaning/rearranging my kitchen....woo hoo, doesn't that sound exciting! 

Oh, and as far as baby number 3 goes....well, the doc and the ultrasound tech are 90% sure it's a girl...not 100%....which makes me a little scared.  So, when I go back in July, she's going to look again and I am going to drink a bunch of caffiene so this baby will move around!!!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

pics, pics and more pics...

Things are so busy this time of year, I am glad to be sitting relaxing for the moment.  The last 2 weeks of school are like a whirlwind of activities, emotions and just trying to get things accomplished.  This weekend Zadie has two pre-k graduations.  So, there will be more of just her to come.

Went to the doctor yesterday, and everything looked great.  She couldn't find the heartbeat long enough on the doppler...my babies have a tendency to be a little stubborn when this is being done.  However, she eased my fears and brought the sonogram machine in.  And there that sweet baby was, just chilling.  At one time, the baby puts its little hand up to its mouth...couldn't tell if it was sucking its thumb or what, but it was sweet.  She also tried to determine the sex, and she "thinks" girl, but she also thought Garrison was a girl too! So, we go to get the better sono on June 7th.  That seems like eternity to wait...but, I am glad so the kids can be there when we find out!

Now for some pictures....my loves, my reason for trying to be a better person, a better mom!!!  Some are birthday, Easter and just some random shots.  Enjoy!

Zadie and her cake I made...I was proud of of my homemade cream cheese icing!

My mom took her to get her nails done for her 5th birthday!

Garrison and his "3" strawberry shortcake at mom's.

at the park for their birthday

Garrison and Mema while she was visiting

trip to state park

we found a turtle...and cried when we had to leave it!

Easter egg hunt at mom's

Easter Sunday...never smiling and looking at camera at the same time!

Add caption
We had Good Friday off, so Alex decided to take kids on a little day trip to the state park in Mt. Pleasant...it was a great time.  The weather was perfect and there was hardly anyone there...we packed a picnic lunch and had a fantastic time.  Of course, it made us really want to buy a camper...

We're going on vacation in a few weeks and I am sure we'll have plenty of pictures from it as well.  And hopefully next time I blog, because I have been slacking off at it, we might know if we'll be buying pink or blue!!